?> CPIA Monthly Forum :: Canterbury Property Investors Association

Canterbury Property Investors Association

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CPIA Monthly Forum

Sep 18, 2023 - 7.30pm

  Merivale Lane Theatre, Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Merivale Lane (off Rossall Street)

TOPIC: How economic activity is expected to shape up in 2023 and what it means for the proprty market

SPEAKER: Brad Olsen, Infometrics

Brad Olsen is the Chief Executive and Principal Economist at Infometrics and is one of New Zealand’s leading economic commentators across TV, radio, and print media. With extensive networks across New Zealand’s business, media, community, and social sectors, Brad brings together a variety of influential views, data, and emerging trends to inform and advise key decision makers and the public across New Zealand so they can make better informed decisions. Brad is passionate about using economics to make better informed decisions and can communicate complex and detailed trends in a simple, relatable, and useful manner.

Efforts by the Reserve Bank to tame high inflation are beginning to work, with economic activity contracting and house prices falling as interest rates have risen rapidly. The Reserve Bank has signalled it’s done enough – for now – although the slowdown in economic activity will continue to develop over 2023. Businesses and households remain concerned, with confidence at low levels. But employment activity have been solid, but signs point towards a softening. Rapidly rising net migration has added another change in trend into the economic mix, at a time when trends are evolving at a fast pace. With an election in October, how will the outlook for the housing market evolve? 

Doors open at 7.00pm, event will start at 7.30pm